>> Sunday, December 28, 2008

I found this amazing Japan House Design which is Cat-friendly, means that it's also designed for the cats ♥. This is totally reminds me of Ikebukuro's ねこぶくろ Cats Playground where the cats are roaming freely in the house ♥. You can check out my blog post in here regarding my visit to the ねこぶくろ Cats Playground when we were in Tokyo last year.

Totally a dream house for a cat-lover like me, I really wish to own lots of cats with this kind of house so they can roam freely ♥. Hmm, maybe we will make this type of house if we got chance to build our own place / house / flat & live in Tokyo, provided pets are allowed in the mansion or unless it's a ground-house, lol .
Source of news & images are from: Modern Cat & here ♥.


>> Saturday, December 27, 2008

This is the cutest & funniest Kagami Hiiragi / 柊 かがみ figure, ever .

The latest ホビコン / Hobi-kon / Hobby Complex was recently held at the Tokyo Big Sight . It's an event where figure makers showcase their goods. This event is actually smaller scale than Wonder Festival / WonFes / ワンフェス (the premiere event for figures) .

Since the Internet has become the best source for countless figure photos for those who didnt come to the event yet curious to see what kind of figures are displayed & available on the event, since I didnt come to the event, I decided to do a research / surfing / browse & take a look ♥.

If you're wondering what are those green stuff on her breast, it's kinda like a cencorship stickers to blocked the 'obvious nipples' I guess ^^; ♥.

Some yummy Yoko figures, suspected that some of them are resin / not PVC since I cant find them available online ♥.

Okay, the last Yoko figure photo looks fine from front-view, but side-view just feels wrong especially on her waist ^^; totally a big turn-off for me. I really like the way they make her looks so realistic but they really should fix that waist of her, sigh T_T

Really love this Yoko figures the most (she looks so stylish with her gun & bike), but I think this isnt a PVC, instead a resin kit ? I would love to have it in PVC version ♥.

Even Asuka Langley dressed up as Yoko too, not bad. Love this Miku figures the most (below) ♥.

If I was living in Japan, I'm very sure that I'll most probably be very super broke after attending to some Figure Events ^^; too many figures I want LOL ROFL LMAO ♥.

Source of above pictures are from here (also you can find more pictures & detailed coverage in these links below) :






Sankaku Complex.

IGN Hobby Complex Tour.

Dengeki Playstation Online.